Yachtcharter Brazil
Brazil offers a virtually endless selection of sailing opportunities.
The country's coast with its almost 4000 miles of beach and 365 islands will conquer the heart of every sailor. Equally stunning are the islands' 2000 beaches and the splendid bay called Angra Dos Reis with its cristal clear and warm water.
Brazilians like to party but they are a very friendly and cooperative people.
Our base is located in the newly opened Marina Verolme which is also fully equipped and has recently been modernized. The base is situated in the most beautiful area for nautical sports in Brazil. It takes about two and a half hours by bus or thirty minutes by helicopter from the international airport in Rio de Janeiro to our base.
Partner base:
Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre, Sao Paulo, Angra Dos Reis, Marina Verolme
Größere Kartenansicht
CORONA / Covid-19 info on sailing & yacht charter in Brazil
Although there are currently no compulsory registration or restrictions for travellers to Brazil,
please note the latest developments on the website of your local Foreign Office.